Most people understand their department and know how to use their tools to get their tasks done, but are isolated and unaware of security issues all around them. The weakest link in most security programs is people. To be part of the process and not part of the problem, you need to be knowledgeable and aware.
Encryption is a way to enhance the security of a message or file by scrambling the contents so that it can be read only by someone who has the right encryption key to unscramble it. Use encryption when you want a strong level of protection for your information.
Free Security Audit
Our free security audits will look at what you have in place now, what you want to achieve and exactly how we can harness technology to deliver it, ensuring your business is fully secure against potential threats both now and in the future.
Network Penetration Testing
A penetration test, is a software attack on a computer system that looks for security weaknesses, potentially gaining access to the computer's features and data.
Digital Detox Specialist
Digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic connecting devices such as smartphones and computers. It is regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world.
Off-site Backup with Encryption
In computing, off-site data protection, or vaulting, is the strategy of sending critical data out of the main location (off the main site) as part of a disaster recovery plan which is encrypted.
Digital Privacy Management
Personal reputation is important. From getting that first date to winning a promotion, all kinds of people make judgements affecting your life based on what they may have read online about you. What’s more, the way reputation works is changing.
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